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Proven Edge lets you manage separate wallets – one for your active trading capital and another for long-term holdings. This flexibility gives you control over risk and keeps your investment strategy organized. Think of it as two bank accounts: your trading budget and your savings account, both readily accessible from within the platform.

Absolutely! While our Automated Gateway offers seamless, pre-scheduled deposits, we also understand the value of hands-on control. You can easily make manual deposits at any time, choosing your preferred amount and timing to suit your strategy.

Withdrawing from Proven Edge is a breeze. Simply navigate to your secured funds section, specify the amount you'd like to withdraw, and choose your preferred destination wallet. We process withdrawals promptly and efficiently, so you can access your funds quickly.

Your journey to Trading Mastery is fueled by your achievements. The higher your trading volume, improved accuracy, and consistent performance, the faster you'll climb the ladder of our Ranking Badge System. Each badge unlocks new features, resources, and exclusive benefits, so keep honing your skills and watch your rank soar!

Sharing your success with Proven Edge earns you double rewards! Introduce the platform to your network, and as your referrals become active traders, you'll climb through our Referral Level System. Each level unlocks progressively higher bonus rewards, making your network your biggest financial ally. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats!

We're a more than 1000+ members family, you can join with us with high confident